During your therapy journey and self-discovery, it’s natural to question your friendships. You might avoid them if you don’t feel well, or they might avoid you if you’re often moaning and they don’t want to listen to you. Just know that if you or your friend feel reluctant to respond promptly to a call or text message, it’s a red flag. No matter how busy you are, when you care for someone, you will take time to nurture the friendship. It only takes a few minutes to check on each other, it’s part of being human.
What does it take to be a good friend? Who deserves to be your friend? Friendships can become strong or fragile at different stages of your life—whether you’re single, married, have children, are child-free, undergoing addiction recovery, or have moved to another city.
Maybe you and a long-time friend no longer share common interests, and the calls and catch-ups have stopped for a while. This prompts you to reflect on the friendship’s breakdown. Have you unintentionally hurt them, or focused too much on yourself, neglecting their needs? Friendships require mutual support, care, respect and genuine time for having fun. How can you repair ruptures, improve communication, apologise, and forgive?
Sometimes, it’s necessary to recognise when a friendship has run its course, and it is time to part ways peacefully. How can you find better friends, or even better, learn to enjoy your own company and become your own best friend? These questions have answers and solutions.
Friendships can take a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. If you’re struggling with any of these issues or want to enhance your friendship skills, contact us. We can help you navigate these challenges and build stronger, healthier relationships.
Thank you for reading!